Sniper Forex
Sniper Forex is a manual indicator system that uses a precision algorhythm to provide precise entry and exit points. It has been designed for MetaTrader mt4, a market leading, widely available trading platform which you can download for free using the links we provide you with on the demo page.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Heart of FX Probability Meter
Generaly used as a confirmation of your own trading style. It gives you more confidence to enter or hold a position.
How to setting Multiple 10x-point live Version for your easy trading forex:
Settings for Multiple 10x-point live Version
Lots use the minimum possible
TakeProfit between 25 – 30 (EUR/GBP 20-25)
Pips between 20 – 30 (EUR/GBP 15-20)
MaxTrades Minimum 10
Multiplier between 1.6 to 1.8 (increase only for high volatile pairs and using FIBO_FILTER)
UseIndicatorsConditions if true, it will restrict the EA to look for entry points according
to the indicators status.
Otherwise it will
keep trading blindly without any indicator condition, kind of hedging trading. (never test it before,
but looks aggressive trading)
UseTrend_Filter if set to true, it will only keep trading with the trend only.
UseFIBO_Filter if set true, it will look for entries based on Fibo Levels, buy on support,
sell above resistance.
SecureProfit_$ example, if pending profit reaches $200 or above,
it will close all the opened orders regardless to which pair.
ShowFiboLevels, if true, it will show the fibo levels lines
(good for backtesting to understand the strategy of the EA)
ShowData, if true it will show all the instant information on the dashboard
To select desirable traders among the 6 traders, 1 or some or all.
StopTrading, for example, at some circumstances and at any point of
time, the trader wishes to stop opening new positions,
but still want the EA to continue trading with the opened positions.. then set it to TRUE.
Elliot Wave Osc EA(choas series)
Version = 3.0
TimeFrame = 1H
Pair = low spread preferable
lot = 0.01 dan 0.02
*do the backtest first
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Silver Trend v3

Silver trend trader using JTPO Indicator.Attach to GBPUSD and EURUSD 5M.
The Silver Trend EA performs quite impressively in backtesting.
download Silver Trend v3
The Silver Trend EA performs quite impressively in backtesting.
download Silver Trend v3
The parameters for this expert advisor:
TakeProfit = 40; - Profit Goal for orders opened
Lots = 0.01; - We start with this lots number, 0.01 for micro accounts and 0.1 for mini and normal accounts
StopLoss = 0; - StopLoss
TrailingStop = 20;- Pips to trail the StopLoss
MaxTrades=10 - Maximum number of orders to open (0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.8, 1.6, 3.2, 6.4, 12.8, 25.6, 51.2)
Pips=15 - Distance in Pips from one order to another
SecureProfit=10 - If profit made is bigger than SecureProfit we close the orders
AccountProtection=1 - If one the account protection will be enabled, 0 is disabled. This feature does not work as i wanted.
AllSymbolsProtect=0 - if one will check profit from all symbols, if cero only this symbol
OrderstoProtect=3 - Number of orders to enable the account protection
ReverseCondition=0 - if one the desition to go long/short will be reversed
StartYear=2005 - Year to start (only for backtest)
StartMonth=1 - month to start (only for backtest)
EndYear=2006 - Year to stop trading (backtest and live)
EndMonth=12 - Month to stop trading (backtest and live)
mm=0 - if one the lots size will increase based on account size
risk=12 - risk to calculate the lots size (only if mm is enabled)
AccountisNormal=0 - Cero if account is mini/micro
MagicNumber=222777 - Magic number for the orders placed
Manual=0 - If set to one then it will not open trades automatically
OpenOrdersBasedOn=2 - Method to decide if we start long or short. Te actual values for this parameter are:
1. Pivot price level
2. Support/Resistance levels (best results on all symbols)
TimeZone=16 - Time zone to calculate the pivots (not all the methods uses it)
Swiss Army EA v1.51
Features includes breakevens, trailing stops and setting/removing for takeprofits, and many close-out conditions; you also have ability to tell the EA which orders it can manage.suitable for USD pair..
download Swiss Army EA v1.51
Phoenix Expert Advisor
My rating: 7/10
Timeframes: All
CPU Load: Low
Test Lots: 1.0
Best Result With: GBP/USD @ M15
Test Period: 11/19/2006 - 11/19/2007
Test Profit ~ 64%
Test Max DrawDown: GBP/USD chart (the optimum settings)
this EA will trade 1 time a day on average.
download Phoenix Expert Advisor